Undocumented Cisco commands

Surfing the web, I have found a document concerning the undocumented cisco commands.

The document was write by Lars Fenneberg (CCIE #7325) and it’s quite old (last revision in 2005).

Certainly this is not a complete list, but I suppose that could be funny to discover some new commands…

I have tried to found other document more exhaustive with no result.

The original document can be found on http://www.elemental.net/~lf/undoc/


[no] ip spd queue {min-threshold | max-threshold} <n> (IOS) show banff-reset (XID/CatOS, Catalyst 5000 series with NFFC)
[no] spd enable (IOS) show caller (IOS)
aaa accounting delay-start (IOS) show chunk [summary] (IOS)
aaa authorization console (IOS (>= 12.1(10.6))) show controller switch (Cat 2900XL/3500XL, IOS)
aaa pod server [port <port number>] [auth-type {any | all | session-key}] server-key <string> (IOS (>= 11.3(7)AA)) show epc … (IOS)
ais-enable (IOS) show epc acl lookup {in|out} … (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540))
arap logging debug-extensions (IOS) show epc acl tcam2acl interface <interface> {in|out} (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540))
bgp common-administration (IOS) show epc ip-address interface <interface> all-entries (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3))
bgp maxas-limit <1 – 2000> (IOS) show epc patricia <ingress-interface> ipucast detail (IOS)
bgp redistribute-internal (IOS) show epc patricia <interface> mac (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3))
bridge-group <bridge-num> subscriber-loop-control (IOS) show idb (IOS)
clear ip eigrp [<as>] events (IOS) show inband (XID/CatOS)
clear ip eigrp [<as>] logging (IOS) show interface cable <x>/0 privacy statistic (IOS)
clock source free-running|line primary (IOS) show interfaces [<interface-name>] stats (IOS)
csim (IOS) show interfaces [<interface-name>] switching (IOS)
debug buffer (IOS) show ip cef [<network> [<netmask>]] internal (IOS)
debug crypto isakmp detail (IOS) show ip eigrp events [<as-num>] [<start-num>] [<end-num>] (IOS)
debug crypto isakmp packet (IOS) show ip eigrp sia-event (IOS)
debug dialer detailed (IOS) show ip eigrp timers [<as-num>] (IOS)
debug dialer holdq (IOS) show ip ospf bad-checksum (IOS)
debug ip ospf monitor (IOS) show ip ospf delete-list (IOS)
debug ip packet [detail] [<access-list>] dump (IOS) show ip ospf events (IOS)
debug isdn q931 l3 (IOS) show ip ospf maxage-list (IOS)
debug mica {tx|rx} <slot>/<port> (IOS) show ip ospf statistic (IOS)
debug modem csm (IOS) show ip route hash (IOS)
debug oir (IOS) show ip route profile (IOS)
debug parser mode (IOS) show ip spd (IOS)
debug sanity (IOS) show isdn memory detail (IOS)
dialer disable-multiencaps (IOS) show isdn service [<dsl> | <interface-name>] detail (IOS)
dialer mult-map-same-name (IOS) show isdn status detail (IOS)
eigrp event-log-site <n> (IOS) show isis private (IOS)
eigrp event-logging (IOS) show isis timers (IOS)
eigrp kill-everyone (IOS) show isis tree (IOS)
eigrp log-event-type [dual] [xmit] [transport] (IOS) show list [none] (IOS)
enable engineer (XDI/CatOS) show mbuf (XID/CatOS)
frame-relay fecn-create (IOS) show memory big (IOS)
gdb {kernel | pid <pid-num> | {examine | debug} <pid-num>} (IOS) show mls nfde (XID/CatOS)
h323 h245 tunnel defer (IOS) show mls status (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
if-console <slot-num> [console|debug] (7000/7500 Series, IOS) show mmc np5400 [config| flows |get |indications |ports |queue |registers |stat |send] […] (IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3))
ip cache-ager <secs-between-runs> <fraction-low-memory> <fraction> (IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))) show mpls interfaces internal all (IOS)
ip cache-invalidate-delay <minimum-delay> <maximum-delay> <quit-interval> (IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))) show msfc (IOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ip ospf interface-retry <retries> (IOS) show msfc (CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ip route profile (IOS) show msfc nvram (IOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ipc-console <slot-num> <cpu> (Catalyst 6000/6500 Series, IOS) show parser modes (IOS)
ipx sap-interval {<n>|passive} (IOS (>=11.2)) show parser unresolved (IOS)
ipx server-split-horizon-on-server-paths (IOS) show polaris fibmgr usage (CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid))
ipx update interval {rip | sap} passive (IOS (>=11.3(1.3))) show region (IOS)
isdn incoming progress [validate|accept] (IOS (>= 12.1(3.3)T)) show region address <address> (IOS)
modem-mgmt csm debug rbs (IOS) show slip (IOS)
mpls traffic-eng multicast-intact (IOS) show snmp chassis (IOS)
multilink queuing bypass-fifo (IOS) show snmp community (IOS)
neighbor <ip-address> don’t-capability-negotiate (IOS) show snmp host (IOS)
no logging snmp-authfail (IOS) show snmp location (IOS)
no ppp microcode (IOS) show snmp mib (IOS)
no snmp-server sparse-tables (IOS) show snmp newcom (IOS)
ppp dnis <number> [<number> …] (IOS) show snmp notify (IOS)
ppp ipcp accept-address (IOS) show sum (IOS)
ppp ipcp dns|wins {accept | a.b.c.d [e.f.g.h] [accept]} (IOS) show sum (IOS)
ppp ipcp ignore-map (IOS) show tcam … (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
ppp ipcp unique-address (IOS) snmp-server priority {low | normal | high} (IOS)
ppp max-configure <num> (IOS) spd headroom <n> (IOS)
priv () tcam priority high|low|medium (Cat 6000 Native IOS)
ps -c (XDI/CatOS) test aaa group radius <username> <password> (IOS)
radius send service-type call-check (IOS (>= 12.1(4)T)) test aim eeprom slot <n> (IOS)
radius-server authorization default Framed-Protocol ppp (IOS) test crash (IOS)
radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type (IOS) test mbus power <slot> on|off (GSR IOS)
radius-server unique-ident (IOS) test ppp echotimeout <interface-name> (IOS)
service download-fl (GSR IOS) test transmit (IOS)
service internal (IOS) tracy_close <module> <port> (XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1)
service log backtrace (IOS) tracy_start <module> <port> (XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1)
service unsupported-transceiver (IOS) traffic-shape fecn-create (IOS)
service-policy classify-per-feature (IOS) ttcp (Cisco 7200/7500, IOS)
set trace <category> <level> (XID/CatOS) tx-queue-limit (IOS)
set trace monitor {enable|disable} (XID/CatOS) virtual-template <template-num> pre-clone <num> (IOS)
show acl stats (XID/CatOS) vpdn ip udp ignore checksum (IOS)
show alignment (IOS) vpdn {l2f|l2tp} session table-size <size> (IOS)
Command Name Configuration Mode Platform / Software
[no] ip spd queue {min-threshold | max-threshold} <n> config IOS
Sets lower and upper ip process-level queue thresholds for SPD. With SSE

based SPD, lower precedence packets are randomly dropped when the queue size

hits min-threshold. The drop probability increases linearly with the queue

size until max-threshold is reached, at which point all lower precedence

packets are dropped. For regular SPD, lower precedence packets are dropped

when the queue size reaches min-threshold. Defaults are 50 and 75,

respectively. These values were not based on real life experience and may

need some tuning.

Reference: Cisco ISP Esssentials
[no] spd enable config IOS
Enable or disable the selective packet discard (SPD) feature. Command

is called “ip spd enable” in 11.1CC.

Reference: Cisco ISP Esssentials, CSCdk31898
aaa accounting delay-start config IOS
If you want to see IP addresses in the AAA start records, then you will want

“aaa accounting delay-start” which is hidden but universally used.

aaa authorization console config IOS (>= 12.1(10.6))
This hidden commands enables authorization for the console port.

Otherwise authorization on the console ports always succeeds.

Aaron Leonard submitted CSCdp33836 and CSCdp33841 to get this

command documented.

Reference: Dennis Peng <dpeng@cisco.com>,

<20010510092606.I19846@sj-cse-320.cisco.com> and

Aaron Leonard <aaron@cisco.com>,

<20010510094014.K19846@sj-cse-320.cisco.com> on cisco-nas,

as well as CSCdi82030

aaa pod server [port <port number>] [auth-type {any | all | session-key}] server-key <string> config IOS (>= 11.3(7)AA)
Syntax Description

  • port <port number>(Optional) The network access server port to use for POD requests. If noport is specified, port 1700 is used.
  • auth-type(Optional) The type of authorization required for disconnecting sessions.
    • anySession that matches all of the attributes sent in the POD packet isdisconnected. The POD packet may contain one or more of four key attributes(user-name, framed-IP-address, session-ID, and session-key).
    • allOnly a session that matches all four key attributes is disconnected. Allis the default.
    • session-keySession with a matching session-key attribute is disconnected. All otherattributes are ignored.
  • <string>The secret text string that is shared between the network access serverand the client workstation. This secret string must be the same onboth systems.

This command is now documented as of 12.2(8)T.

ais-enable config-if IOS
IOS version 12.0(7.1) includes a hidden command to enable generation of AIS

alarm on tx line when LOS is detected on rx line. This is a kludge to

workaround other vendor’s ATM switches (Newbridge) that don’t generate

F4/F5 OAM AIS cells when F3 RDI is received. This command is only supported

on the PA-A3 port adapter. The hidden interface command “ais-enable” will

enable AIS alarm assertion when an LOS alarm occurs.

Reference: CSCdm37634
arap logging debug-extensions config IOS
This DDTS adds a hidden command, “arap logging debug-extensions”

which effectively negates the changes from CSCdi57713. Messages

that re-appear:Modem CD dropped unexpectedly. User exceeded timelimit ARAP connection was terminated. v42_input running (may be low memory) v42_output running (may be low memory) Force Quit pak v42bisflush C Carrier dropped during startup

Reference: CSCdi68276, CSCdi57713
bgp common-administration config-router bgp IOS
bgp maxas-limit <1 – 2000> config-router bgp IOS
This command should be used in router configuration mode; by default

there is no limit. If the number of ASes in the AS_PATH exceeds the

limit, the UPDATE will be stored in the BGP table, but not used in

the bestpath selection or propagated.

Reference: CSCdr54230, CSCdu00679
bgp redistribute-internal config-router bgp IOS
Normally redistributing BGP into another protocol only redistributes EBGP

routes. Using this command will also redistribute IBGP routes. Hidden

in IOS versions prior to 12.1.

bridge-group <bridge-num> subscriber-loop-control config-if IOS
Bridge between two machines on the same subinterface.
clear ip eigrp [<as>] events privileged exec IOS
Clear IP EIGRP event logs.
clear ip eigrp [<as>] logging privileged exec IOS
Stop IP EIGRP event logging.
clock source free-running|line primary config-controller IOS
Generate or sample clock rate from the line.
csim exec IOS
With the command csim you can emulate a voice call. It’s like sombody calls

the specified number. Usefull, if you don’t have physically access to the

telephone:Sucessfull call:wg1r1#csim start 089150 csim: called number = 089150, loop count = 1 ping count = 0 csim err csimDisconnected recvd DISC cid(21) csim: loop = 1, failed = 1 csim: call attempted = 1, setup failed = 1, tone failed = 0Call to an undefined number:

wg1r1#csim start 089151 csim: called number = 089151, loop count = 1 ping count = 0 csim err:csim_do_test Error peer not found

debug buffer privileged exec IOS
Debug buffer management.
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
debug crypto isakmp detail privileged exec IOS
Crypto ISAKMP internals debugging.Example output during ISAKMP SA establishment:6w3d: ISAKMP cookie gen for src dst 6w3d: ISAKMP cookie B5FCAD89 B2BD7BFF 6w3d: ISAKMP: find_me a=(src dst state 0, init 1) b=(src dst state 0, init 0) 6w3d: my_cookie a B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: my_cookie b B5FCAD89 B2BD7BFF 6w3d: his_cookie a DB28B716 6D61AE4F 6w3d: his_cookie b 00000000 00000000 6w3d: ISAKMP: compare a=(src dst state 0, init 1) b=(src dst state 0, init 1) 6w3d: my_cookie a B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: my_cookie b B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: his_cookie a DB28B716 6D61AE4F 6w3d: his_cookie b DB28B716 6D61AE4F 6w3d: ISAKMP cookie gen for src dst 6w3d: ISAKMP cookie 10FA17FE 2C76366D 6w3d: ISAKMP: find_me a=(src dst state 0, init 1) b=(src dst state 0, init 0) 6w3d: my_cookie a B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: my_cookie b 10FA17FE 2C76366D 6w3d: his_cookie a DB28B716 6D61AE4F 6w3d: his_cookie b 00000000 00000000 6w3d: ISAKMP: compare a=(src dst state 0, init 1) b=(src dst state 0, init 1) 6w3d: my_cookie a B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: my_cookie b B5FCAD89 9BEC22F8 6w3d: his_cookie a DB28B716 6D61AE4F 6w3d: his_cookie b DB28B716 6D61AE4F
debug crypto isakmp packet privileged exec IOS
Crypto ISAKMP packet debugging.Example output during ISAKMP SA establishment:6w3d: -Traceback= 80A36FE0 80A3A5C0 80A3D41C 809F0880 809F8A34 809F301C 809F33DC 809F5228 801710CC 6w3d: -Traceback= 80A36FE0 80A3A5C0 80A3D41C 809F8494 809F87C0 809F8C20 809F301C 809F33DC 809F5228 801710CC 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 0, len 72): 6w3d: SA payload 6w3d: PROPOSAL 6w3d: TRANSFORM 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): sending packet to (I) MM_NO_STATE 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): received packet from (I) MM_NO_STATE 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 0, len 72): 6w3d: SA payload 6w3d: PROPOSAL 6w3d: TRANSFORM 6w3d: -Traceback= 80A36FE0 80A3A5C0 80A3D41C 809FF460 80A00E0C 80A01070 809FBEBC 809F99B8 809F468C 809F51C8 801710CC 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 0, len 204): 6w3d: KE payload 6w3d: NONCE payload 6w3d: VENDOR payload 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): sending packet to (I) MM_SA_SETUP 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): received packet from (I) MM_SA_SETUP 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 0, len 184): 6w3d: KE payload 6w3d: NONCE payload 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 1, len 64): 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: HASH payload 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): sending packet to (I) MM_KEY_EXCH 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): received packet from (I) MM_KEY_EXCH 6w3d: ISAKMP: Main Mode packet contents (flags 1, len 68): 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: HASH payload 6w3d: ISAKMP: Quick Mode packet contents (flags 1, len 168): 6w3d: HASH payload 6w3d: SA payload 6w3d: PROPOSAL 6w3d: TRANSFORM 6w3d: NONCE payload 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): sending packet to (I) QM_IDLE 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): received packet from (I) QM_IDLE 6w3d: ISAKMP: Quick Mode packet contents (flags 1, len 172): 6w3d: HASH payload 6w3d: SA payload 6w3d: PROPOSAL 6w3d: TRANSFORM 6w3d: NONCE payload 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: ID payload 6w3d: ISAKMP: Quick Mode packet contents (flags 1, len 52): 6w3d: HASH payload 6w3d: ISAKMP (0:1): sending packet to (I) QM_IDLE
debug dialer detailed privileged exec IOS
Enable some additional debugging for the DDR subsystem.
debug dialer holdq privileged exec IOS
Activate debugging output for dialer hold queue events.Jan 13 14:56:03.240: Se0/1:15 DDR: Creating holdq 626B1B9C Jan 13 14:56:03.240: DDR: Assigning holdq 626B1B9C to 627923F8 Jan 13 14:56:09.208: DDR: Assigning holdq 626B1B9C to 61B667F4 Jan 13 14:56:09.208: DDR: freeing dialer holdq 626B1B9C (Ref ptr 61B667F4) Jan 13 14:56:09.208: DDR: Dialing failed, 0 packets unqueued and discarded Jan 13 14:56:09.208: : 2 packets unqueued and discarded
debug ip ospf monitor privileged exec IOS
OSPF SPF monitoring debugging. Hmm, seems to show synchronization

between OSPF routing process and routing table. Furthermore it

shows LSA changes and so can be used to debug why a link marked

as OSPF demand circuit is brought up for example.

debug ip packet [detail] [<access-list>] dump privileged exec IOS
Dumps packets contents for process switched packets.
debug isdn q931 l3 privileged exec IOS
This command will show additional information on ISDN Layer 3, i.e.

the corresponding call reference number in all ISDN messages.

Reference: Project DOTU
debug mica {tx|rx} <slot>/<port> privileged exec IOS
Dump data from a MICA digital modem. Probably only supported

on the Cisco Access Server series (e.g. AS5300).

debug modem csm privileged exec IOS
Modem Management Call Switching Module debugging.
debug oir privileged exec IOS
Activate OIR debugging.ctalkb#debug oir Online Insertion and Removal debugging is on 2w3d: OIR: Process woke, ‘Event’, stall=2, usec=0xB6835B36 -Traceback= 6040967C 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: OIR: Shutdown pulled interface for Serial5/0 -Traceback= 600E30C4 60409204 604096C8 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: %OIR-6-REMCARD: Card removed from slot 5, interfaces disabled -Traceback= 60409748 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: OIR: Remove hwidbs for slot 5 -Traceback= 60409368 60409750 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: OIR: Process woke, ‘Event(max not running)’, stall=3, usec=0xD0115C9E -Traceback= 6040967C 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: OIR: Process woke, ‘Timer(max running)’, stall=3, usec=0xDDBB56D6 -Traceback= 6040967C 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: OIR: (Re)Init card 5, retry_count=3 -Traceback= 60409894 603B6D2C 603B6D18 2w3d: %OIR-6-INSCARD: Card inserted in slot 5, interfaces administratively shut down -Traceback= 604098BC 603B6D2C 603B6D18
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
debug parser mode privileged exec IOS
Aug 7 21:58:44.207 MEST: Look up of parser mode ‘route-map’ succeeded Aug 7 21:58:45.923 MEST: Look up of parser mode ‘configure’ succeeded
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
debug sanity privileged exec IOS
With this command every buffer that is used in the system is sanity-checked

when it is allocated and when it is freed. This can sometimes be used to

pinpoint memory corruption problems when analyzing a core dump which was

generated with this debug option in effect.

dialer disable-multiencaps config-if IOS
Revert to premultiencapsulation on the dialer profile.
Reference: CSCdp95164
dialer mult-map-same-name config-if IOS
If distinct dialer maps to different destinations share the same remote

name, traffic will fail to pass on the 2nd and subsequent sessions. This

ability is implemented 1n 12.0T as a hidden command. dialer

mult-map-same-name allows 2 users to dial in to the dialer with the same ppp

user_name. It’s behaviour with other dialer features is currently

unpredictable and should be used with caution.

Reference: CSCdk28459 – allow multi users w/ same name
eigrp event-log-site <n> config-router eigrp IOS
Set size of event log. Setting it to zero deletes event log buffers.

Default log buffer size is 500 events.

eigrp event-logging config-router eigrp IOS
Controls logging of EIGRP events.
eigrp kill-everyone config-router eigrp IOS
Kill all adjacencies on an SIA or a neighbor down event.
eigrp log-event-type [dual] [xmit] [transport] config-router eigrp IOS
Configure the set of EIGRP event types to log.
enable engineer exec XDI/CatOS
Catalyst 5000 series with Supervisor Engine I:You will be prompted for a password. It has the following format:

  • VTY
  • VTY
  • HW
  • FW
  • SW

That is, the VTY password followed by the VTY password again, followed by

the hardware version, followed by the software version(no spaces, do not

type the dots in the versions).

Catalyst 5000 series with Supervisor-Engine II and III and Catalyst 6000

series with Supervisor I and II:

Format for the password is:

  • VTY
  • HW
  • FW
  • SW
  • VTY

That is, the VTY password followed by the VTY password again, followed by

the hardware version, followed by the software version (no spaces, do not

type the dots in the versions).

frame-relay fecn-create config-map-class IOS
This hidden command enables setting the FECN bit in

all outgoing packets that have been delayed due to traffic


gdb {kernel | pid <pid-num> | {examine | debug} <pid-num>} privileged exec IOS
Seems to activate some internal debugger. Maybe for access via remote gdb.

Probably only useful with a symbol table and an IOS image compiled for


Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38; Project DOTU
h323 h245 tunnel defer voice service voip IOS
if-console <slot-num> [console|debug] privileged exec 7000/7500 Series, IOS
Open connection to the VIP console. Lots of useful commands there,

especially showing memory and cpu usage.

ip cache-ager <secs-between-runs> <fraction-low-memory> <fraction> config IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))
It’s hidden, and you have to configure “service internal” in order

to bring it into existence.

  • <secs-between-runs> is 0-2147483 number of seconds between agerruns, default = 60 seconds. If the period between ager invalidation runs isset to 0, the ager process is disabled entirely.
  • <fraction-low-memory> is 2-50 1/<fraction-low-memory> ofcache to age per run (low memory), default = 4.
  • <fraction> is 3-100 1/<fraction> of cache to age per run(normal), default = 20.

Configures the ager of the fast switching cache. Aaron Leonard

<Aaron@cisco.com> recommended “20 3 3” on cisco-nas in the

light of recent CodeRed attacks, i.e. make the ager more aggressive

to prevent excessive cache growth.

Reference: <01K7Y45PW1PA9KWFH9@Cisco.COM> and http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/63/ts_codred_worm.shtml
ip cache-invalidate-delay <minimum-delay> <maximum-delay> <quit-interval> config IOS (>=10.3(8) and >=11.0(3))
Requires “service internal”.

  • <minimum-delay> is 0-300 seconds.
  • <maximum-delay> is 1-300 seconds.
  • <quiet-interval> is 1-600 seconds.

Use “no ip cache-invalidate-delay” to disable the delay altogether. See

this posting from cisco-nas:

Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 10:07:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Aaron Leonard <Aaron@cisco.com> Subject: Re: CN: telnet DoS (CSCdm70743) To: Cisco-NAS@datasys.net Message-id: <01JORKP9PBPIA2AL39@Cisco.COM> References: <01JOHR9QY432A2AAVQ@Cisco.COM> Reply-To: Cisco-NAS@datasys.net It’s hidden, and you have to configure “service internal” in order to bring it into existence. I.e. as5300-1(config)#service internal as5300-1(config)#no ip cache-invalidate-delay It’s generally recommended for systems running 12.0T/12.1 code if they have lots of interfaces (>300) and are not doing CEF.

Reference: <01JORKP9PBPIA2AL39@Cisco.COM> and http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/63/ts_codred_worm.shtml
ip ospf interface-retry <retries> config-if IOS
From Cisco DE (slightly edited):The motivation for this command is a timing problem where OSPF fails to

determine the state of an interface. The solution was for OSPF to poll the

interface for a while to verify its state. The hidden command allows us to

lengthen the polling period on routers that have a large number of

interfaces. The polls occur every 10 seconds and the command controls the

number of polls that will be done. With a setting of 0 retries there will be

no extra polling.Default number of retries is 10.

ip route profile config IOS
As disclosed by Aaron Leonard from Cisco on cisco-nas:Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 09:34:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Aaron Leonard <Aaron@cisco.com> Subject: Re: [cisco-nas] IP Route Profile In-reply-to: “Your message dated Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:21:02 -0500” <10e701c37813$bad83870$5370cd41@dellbert> To: “Beprojects.com” <info@beprojects.com> Cc: cisco-nas@puck.nether.net […] “ip route profile” was implemented way back in late ’96 by CSCdi76662. However we have historically refrained from documenting this (CSCdk01634, CSCdz19775) as this has been declared to be a hidden command that “should not be used by customers”. However, in fact this is NOT a hidden command … so I’ve just now gone ahead and reopened CSCdz19775. Introduction The Route Table Profiling feature was developed to assist network engineers in monitoring routing table fluctuations, which may be the result of route flapping, network failure, or network service restoration. This feature was added in CSCdi76662 to the 11.1CC train of Cisco IOS. The Route Table Profiling feature is an undocumented and unsupported feature. There is no MIB support provided. Configuration The Route Table Profiling feature is enabled globally. The command is “ip route profile” in global configuration mode. This feature can be disabled with the command “no ip route profile” in global configuration mode. Routing table change statistics can be viewed with the “show ip route profile” command in exec mode.
Reference: CSCdi76662
ipc-console <slot-num> <cpu> privileged exec Catalyst 6000/6500 Series, IOS
Open connection to the FlexWAN console. FlexWANs contain two

CPUs so you can connect to either CPU 0 or CPU 1.

ipx sap-interval {<n>|passive} config-if IOS (>=11.2)
Set the IPX SAP advertising interval to n or to passive mode.
ipx server-split-horizon-on-server-paths config IOS
This global configuratiom command specifies that split horizon SAP

occurs on server paths.This command is documented in DDTS CSCdm12190. From the release note:By default, split horizon blocks information about periodic SAPs from being

advertised by a router to the same interface on which the best route to that

SAP is learned. But in the case where the SAP may be learned from

interfaces other than (or in addition to) the interface on which the best

route to that SAP is learned, enabling “ipx

server-split-horizon-on-server-paths” will reduce unnecessary periodic SAP

updates as that SAP will not be advertised to the interface(s) where it was

learned from; this will also prevent potential “SAP loop” in the network.

Reference: CSCdm12190
ipx update interval {rip | sap} passive config IOS (>=11.3(1.3))
The undocumented passive keyword specifies to listen but not send

normal periodic SAP or RIP updates nor flash update caused by changes.

Queries will still be replied to. The update interval is set to the same

interval as changes-only.See also “ipx sap-interval”.

Reference: CSCdj59918
isdn incoming progress [validate|accept] config-if IOS (>= 12.1(3.3)T)
Controls whether IOS sends an INVALID information element message when it

receives an invalid PROGRESS IE.

Reference: CSCdt12611
modem-mgmt csm debug rbs privileged exec IOS
Debug RBS trunks. Only available if “service internal” configured.

Equivalent to “debug cas” on later IOS versions (>= 12.0(7)T).

mpls traffic-eng multicast-intact config-router IOS
Use hop-by-hop routing instead of MPLS TE tunnels to transport

multicast traffic. See CSCdm63234 for details.

Reference: CSCdm63234
multilink queuing bypass-fifo config-if IOS
neighbor <ip-address> don’t-capability-negotiate config-router bgp IOS
Turns off CAPABILITY parameters in BGP Open message.
no logging snmp-authfail config IOS
Turn off the %SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL message.See CSCdv04268 for availability information.
Reference: CSCdv04268
no ppp microcode config-if IOS
On a cisco 805, “ip tcp header-compression” configured on the serial async

interface and on the dialer interface linked to it, results in VERY long

response time for TCP sessions. Workaround: Remove “ip tcp

header-compression” or enable the hidden command “no ppp microcode” on the

serial interface or configure IP directly on the serial interface (no dialer


Reference: CSCdp32980
no snmp-server sparse-tables config IOS
Fully populate all SNMP tables even if an object id

is not applicable in a specific case.

ppp dnis <number> [<number> …] config-if IOS
Skip authentication entirely for PPP per DNIS.
Reference: CSCdk45054
ppp ipcp accept-address config-if IOS
It is possible to revert to the previous operation using the hidden

interface command ppp ipcp accept-address. When enabled the peer IP

address will be accepted but is still subject to AAA verification,

it will have precedence over any local address pool however.

Reference: CSCdj04128
ppp ipcp dns|wins {accept | a.b.c.d [e.f.g.h] [accept]} config-if IOS
Reference: CSCdm62097, CSCdk01128
ppp ipcp ignore-map config-if IOS
Don’t assign same IP address to peers with the same name. Instead

get a fresh address.

Reference: CSCdm18764 – don’t assign peer IP addr from map
ppp ipcp unique-address config-if IOS
Assigns a unique IP address even if the same user (identified by the username)

has multiple links open. Standard behaviour is to assigned the same IP

address. See “dialer mult-map-same-name”, too.

ppp max-configure <num> config-if IOS
Maximum number if configure requests to send.
Enable private commands in the ROMMON. Sometimes a password is required.
ps -c privileged exec XDI/CatOS
Show process listing and CPU usage.
radius send service-type call-check config IOS (>= 12.1(4)T)
From: Dennis Peng <dpeng@cisco.com> To: “scott.list” <scott.list@mlec.net> Cc: cisco-nas@external.cisco.com Message-ID: <20010331195613.D28415@sj-cse-320.cisco.com> I assume you have preauthentication already configured? By default, we send Service-Type = Outbound-User. In 12.1(4)T and later, you can configure the (hidden) command “radius send service-type call-check” to change the value from Outbound-User to Call-Check. I submitted CSCdt85947 to get the command unhidden and documented. Here is the release-note I attached: The command “radius send service-type call-check” is hidden. This command is available in 12.1(4)T and later and is used to change the value of the Service-Type RADIUS attribute the access server sends when doing pre-authentication. The default is to send Outbound-User (5). With this command configured, we will send Call-Check (10). This is useful in a multi-vendor environment as well as when migrating an existing RADIUS database for use withe Cisco access server.
Reference: CSCdt85947
radius-server authorization default Framed-Protocol ppp config IOS
This hidden command assumes that the RADIUS Framed-Protocol attribute is PPP

when no Framed-Protocol attribute is present in a RADIUS server reply packet.

Reference: Dennis Peng <dpeng@cisco.com>, <20020404165144.GE5919@sj-cse-320.cisco.com> on cisco-nas
radius-server authorization permit missing Service-Type config IOS
This hidden command seems to allow RADIUS server replies in which the

Service-Type attribute is missing.

Reference: Dennis Peng <dpeng@cisco.com>, <20020404165144.GE5919@sj-cse-320.cisco.com> on cisco-nas
radius-server unique-ident config IOS
Directly from the DDTS release note:The hidden command “radius-server unique-ident” can be used to try to

ensure that RADIUS session IDs are unique across IOS boots. It will have

the side effect of automatically writing the IOS configuration to NVRAM some

time after booting.When the router parses the command “radius-server unique-ident” it sets the

unique-ident variable to (n+1) and all accouting records have a prefix of

(n+1). When you look at the configuration or write the configuration to

NVRAM, it is also shows “radius-server unique-ident”.

If the box is reloaded, upon booting the router will parse “radius-server

unique-ident” and then set the unique-ident variable to (n+2) and all

accounting records have a prefix of (n+2). When you look at the

configuration or write the configuration to NVRAM, is will show

“radius-server unique-ident”.

Reference: CSCdu77149
service download-fl config GSR IOS
Force the GRP to download its own version of the Fabric Downloader to the

line card before attempting to start Cisco IOS.

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/63/17.html
service internal config IOS
Activate some Cisco commands normally used for internal testing.
service log backtrace config IOS
Supply a backtrace with every messaged logged. Probably to find

out where a certain message is generated.

Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
service unsupported-transceiver config IOS
Enables the use of third-party SFP or GBIC modules on Cisco switches but note the warning

below.Example output:Switch(config)#service unsupported-transceiver Warning: When Cisco determines that a fault or defect can be traced to the use of third-party transceivers installed by a customer or reseller, then, at Cisco’s discretion, Cisco may withhold support under warranty or a Cisco support program. In the course of providing support for a Cisco networking product Cisco may require that the end user install Cisco transceivers if Cisco determines that removing third-party parts will assist Cisco in diagnosing the cause of a support issue.

Reference: Saku Ytti on cisco-nsp
service-policy classify-per-feature config IOS
From CSCds43683:Packets should be treated consistently on all platforms for a given

configuration. This fix addresses the consistency issue when QoS Mod CLI is

configured via the “service-policy” command on the 7500 vs the other IOS

platforms.After this fix, each packet will be matched for a matching class under the

policy-map until a match is found. Matching terminates at the first matching

class and all features configured under the class act on the packet. In the

current IOS releases, matching happens across all classes under a policy

until the first matching class is found for every configured QoS feature.

To maintain backward compatibility a hidden knob called “service-policy

classify-per-feature” knob is introduced. When configured, the behaviour

reverts to the current existing behaviour. By way of this fix, the default

behaviour will be common for all platforms. This fix is going to affect 7200

and other non-distributed platforms only.

Reference: CSCds43683
set trace <category> <level> privileged exec XID/CatOS
Enable tracing of the specified subsystem.Possible category names (most certainly depending on CatOS version):acct, acl, all, bdd, cdp, config, dhcp, diag, dns, dot1x, drip, dtp,

dupflash, dupnvram, dynvlan, earl, envmon, eobc, epld, essr, evmgr,

fabric, fcp, fddi, fib, filesys, fpoe, garp, gvrp, hamgr, http,

inband, ipc, kerberos, l3age, l3sup, lane, ld, llc, ltl, mbuf, mcast,

mdg, memdbg, mls, mlsm, modport, ntp, nvsync, oob, pagp, protfilt,

pruning, privatevlan, qde, qos, radius, redundancy, rsfc, rsvp, rtios,

rtipc, rticc, runtimecfg, scp, security, slp, snmp, span, spantree,

ssh, syncmgr, synfig, syslog, tacacs, test, tftp, tftpd, udld, verb,

vlanmgr, vmps, vtp.

  • <level> = 0..15, 0 to disable, default is 1
  • <level> = 0..255 for inband only

A level of 6 is normally a good start.

Warning: Can produce losts of output depending on your configuration and the

level chosen.

Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
set trace monitor {enable|disable} privileged exec XID/CatOS
Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
show acl stats privileged exec XID/CatOS
Comment by Francois on this command:Displays various statistics about the ACL subsystem and associated hardware

components. There are some interesting counters like compilation errors and

also usage counters for various tables (different masks, subnets, etc).

Useful when you can’t commit your ACL with a TCAM error message.ACL: local stats table Messaging ———————————————————- rxScpMsg: 0 rxScpMsgAbort: 0 rxAclMsg: 1257 rxAclMsgAbort: 0 aclMsgUnknownType: 0 outOfSequence: 0 appIdMisUse: 0 intfConfError: 0 msgSendFailed: 1 appIdDifferAfterSwover:0 ignoreRaclOverride: 1 draco-id: 65535-ffffffff-ffffffff draco-id: 33-ffffffff-ffffffff Resources ———————————————————- ACL malloc fail: 0 noLou: 0 noMask: 0 noCapmap: 0 tcamFull: 0 compilerErr: 18 noLabel: 0 louExpandGt: 0 louExpandLt: 0 louExpandNeq: 0 louExpandRange: 0 freeListRebuild: 0 Acl engine stats ———————————————————- perseusL3Parity: 0 perseusSequenceErr: 0 perseusLabelOverflow: 0 perseusCamLookupErr: 0 perseusDbusErr: 0 perseusCpuParityErr: 0 perseusIPChecksumErr: 1 perseusShortPacketErr: 0 perseusCpuTmout: 0 **lookup fifo undeflow:0 Hardware resource usage for ACL Tcam: label:3.73%, lou:20.31%, mask:11.86%, value:4.4% Acl manager stats ———————————————————- aclRestarted: F Sec vacl restore done: T Lda vacl restore done: T Qos acl restore done: T Feature intf count: 0 HA stats ———————————————————- activeHaCopyFail: 0 Gsync_count: 1 Sleep on gsync Gsync done Wakeup on gsync 14:58:43 14:58:45 14:58:45 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 000:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00

Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
show alignment privileged exec IOS
Displays statistics about spurious memory accesses and aligment

errors. Also includes stack tracebacks.

show banff-reset privileged exec XID/CatOS, Catalyst 5000 series with NFFC
There is a quiet recall on some Catalyst 5000 series switches that have the

EARL 1 chip NFFC and a data rate that exceeds 80MBS across the backplane

because of a defect that causes the ECB to reset continuously. Usually users

will report a network slowdown.This command will display the number of times the ECBs have reset since last

power on, a number of 1 for each ECB is normal. Numbers in the hundreds or

thousands mean you need to call Cisco for replacement boards.

Reference: From Heinz Ulm’s web site
show caller exec IOS
Show a lot of information about calls in a NAS environment. Lots of subcommands here.
show chunk [summary] privileged exec IOS
There is the traditional malloc/free memory management in place on the

cisco. there is also chunk allocation. the main benefit of chunk

allocation over its predecessor is that memory overhead is only paid by the

large chunk (which is then carved up into smaller pieces) instead of by each

individual malloced block.

Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show controller switch exec Cat 2900XL/3500XL, IOS
The show controller switch command provides indicative information regarding

the total switch utilization. An example is presented below:Switch#sh controller switch Switch registers: Device Type : 0x00040273 Congestion Threshold : 0x00000E95 Peak Total Allocation : 0x0000001A Total Allocation : 0x00000000 Peak Total Bandwidth : 0x00000020 Total Bandwidth : 0x00000000 Total Bandwidth Limit : 0x000003DE Lower Bandwidth Limit : 0x000003DE Switch Mode : 0x00040000 Switch#The Total Bandwidth Limit varies between different 2900XL and 3500XL models.

When the Total Bandwidth reaches the Total Bandwidth Limit value, the switch

has reached its full bandwidth capacity and begins to drop packets. The Peak

Total Bandwidth is the highest value attained by the Total Bandwidth since

the last time the show controller switch command was executed. Note, the

values for the above parameters are in hexadecimal.The Congestion Threshold value is used as conservative value for the maximum

global buffer utilization. When the buffer utilization noted by Total

Allocation reaches this value, the switch may drop frames. The Peak Total

Allocation value shows the highest value attained by the Total Allocation

since the last time the show controller switch command was executed. It is

possible for the Peak Total Allocation and/or the Total Allocation to be

greater than Congestion Threshold. If the Total Allocation reaches or is

over the Congestion Threshold amount, the switch is experiencing

considerable network activity near its full capacity.

The global buffer utilization may be adversely effected by several

configuration issues, described below:

1.Speed mismatch between an ingress and egress port; for example, several

100 megabit clients transferring files to a server connected to the

switch at 10 megabits, half-duplex.

2.Multiple input ports feeding a single output port.

3.Duplex mismatch on multiple ports.

4.Numerous ports that are experiencing collisions and/or output errors due

to half-duplex configuration or over-subscription of a slow link.

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/warp/customer/473/19.html
show epc … privileged exec IOS
From a Catalyst 2048G-L3 (also applies to the Catalyst 4908G-L3 and

probably in parts to the Catalyst 8500 series):gepard#show epc ? E-PAM show comands: IF-entry IF Entry in IF-Table VC-entry VC Entry in VC-Table VLAN-entry VLAN Entry in VLAN-Table aal5 aal5 statistics acl ACL FPGA related debug commands adm Show contents of ADM in IOS age-timer Aging Timer atm-debug-status ATM debug statistics atmup_ipmcast Show Multicast VC leg to external VC mapping caller-stats Caller Stats at a merge-point caller-tags Caller Tags cam Show contents of E-PAM CAM card Show information managed by CARD coredb show coredb counters Counters of all epif-ports discards discard statistics exvc-entry External VC Entry in VC-Table fe-channel FE-Channel Membership Information fpga Access ACL FPGA resources freecam Free space in CAM ifmapping Interface mapping to CAM IF number ip-address Show adjacency entries in line cards ip-prefix Show IP prefix entries (compare to CEF output) ipmcast Show IP Multicast table in E-PAM CAM ipx-node Show IPX node entry in E-PAM CAM ipx-prefix Show IPX prefix in E-PAM CAM jaguar-fpga-epld Access ACL2 EPLD Addresses with WID=2 lec-ipx Show LEC Local IPX Information lsipc Show LSIPC information mac Show MAC address in E-PAM macfilter Show MAC filter address database mailbox Read the mailbox value mem Show contents of packet memory in E-PAM patricia Show Patricia tree in E-PAM CAM port-qos Show current port qos configuration queuing queueing statistics register print contents of EPIF register ri-register Show last reported contents of EPIF RI register sm Show 1483 Local static map information spd selective packet drop statistics status Status of all epif-ports switching VC switching statistics tcam TCAM related commands ucode uCode images on all epif-ports udp-flood Show LS UDP-flooding informationSome of these commands are documented as part of the Catalyst 8540

documentation but are also useful on the Catalyst 2948G-L3 which seems to

be based (at least partly) on the same hardware platform as the Catalyst 8540.See:


show epc acl lookup {in|out} … privileged exec IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540)
Displays whether the ACL would permit or deny a specific IP packet on a particular


Reference: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/l3sw/8540/12_1/lhouse/sw_confg/8500acl.htm
show epc acl tcam2acl interface <interface> {in|out} privileged exec IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3, 8540)
Displays the ACL entries programmed in the TCAM for a particular interface.
Reference: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/l3sw/8540/12_1/lhouse/sw_confg/8500acl.htm
show epc ip-address interface <interface> all-entries privileged exec IOS (Cat 2948G-L3)
Shows the IP adjacencies installed in the CAM hardware:gepard#show epc ip-address interface FastEthernet 1 all-entries IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27b7.24d7 FastEthernet14(17) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27d1.d47a FastEthernet15(18) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00d0.b720.6fc9 FastEthernet10(13) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00d0.b720.750f FastEthernet11(14) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00d0.b720.7357 FastEthernet12(15) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00d0.b720.755e FastEthernet13(16) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0050.0457.edbf FastEthernet19(22) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0009.b7b4.0700 Port-channel1.2(60) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27c3.f042 FastEthernet5(8) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0002.b3ac.5470 GigabitEthernet50(53) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0002.b3ac.5470 GigabitEthernet50(53) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27d1.88bf FastEthernet4(7) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27d1.88bf FastEthernet4(7) IPaddr: MACaddr: 6080.0f3c.0000 IPaddr: MACaddr: 0090.27dd.f9a6 FastEthernet8(11) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00d0.b708.adb3 FastEthernet9(12) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0800.20ee.4ead FastEthernet46(49) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0030.6e11.0157 FastEthernet37(40) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0030.6e11.139f FastEthernet38(41) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0002.b3ac.5454 GigabitEthernet49(52) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0800.20ec.6709 FastEthernet46(49) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0002.b3ac.53f5 FastEthernet43(46) IPaddr: MACaddr: 00e0.18c2.baf9 FastEthernet21(24) IPaddr: MACaddr: 0030.6e12.099a FastEthernet39(42) IPaddr missing […] Total number of IP adjacency entries: 46 Missing IP adjacency entries: 1
Reference: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/473/48.html
show epc patricia <ingress-interface> ipucast detail privileged exec IOS
Seems to show the FIB stored in the CAM memory of a specific ingress port.Example output provided by Hank:cs-c2948gl3-13a#sh epc patricia interface FastEthernet 3 ipucast detail 1# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x202B NAP location: 0x202C IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid 2# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x2038 NAP location: 0x0000 3# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x202F NAP location: 0x2035 IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid 4# HOST Entry CAM location: 0x2030 NAP location: 0x0000 IP addr: Host IF Number:6 Entry:Valid Mac Addr:0090.a65c.63ff 5# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x2050 NAP location: 0x2032 IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Host Entry:Valid 6# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x203C NAP location: 0x2037 IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid 7# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x203F NAP location: 0x203E IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid 8# HOST Entry CAM location: 0x2046 NAP location: 0x0000 IP addr: Host IF Number:5 Entry:Valid Mac Addr:0001.968e.33b0 9# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x2045 NAP location: 0x2040 IP Prefix: LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid Nexthop CAM locations: 0x2046 0x0000 Nexthop 1: IP addr: Host Entry:Valid FastEthernet2 (5) Mac Addr:0001.968e.33b0 10# Synthetic entry: CAM location: 0x2033 NAP location: 0x203D IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Network Entry:Valid IP Prefix: MySubnet LB:Disabled Host Entry:Valid 11# CAM location: 0x201B ROOT IP Patricia Tree Summary: Number of IP entries: 18 Number of Host Entries: 2 Number of Network Entries: 10 Number of Good Synthetic entries: 7 Number of Dirty Synthetic entries: 1
Reference: Contributed by Hank Nussbacher <hank@att.net.il>
show epc patricia <interface> mac privileged exec IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3)
Layer 2 forwarding table entries for a given MAC address in a bridge group

are viewed using the show bridge bridge-group-number command.However, bridge table entries on the Catalyst 2948G-L3 and 4908G-L3 switches

are actually formed internally of at least two entries, one on the source

interface (where the device with that MAC resides) and one on each

destination interface (the interface where, based on the destination MAC in

the frame, the traffic sourced from that MAC is destined). This is because

the learning process for populating the bridging tables on the Catalyst

2948G-L3 and 4908G-L3 switches is actually distributed on a per-port basis

rather than on a switch-wide basis.gepard#show epc patricia interface FastEthernet 9 mac 1# MAC addr:0000.0000.0000 VC:0 Entry: 2# MAC addr:0900.2b01.0001 MyMAC 3# MAC addr:0180.c200.0000 MyMAC 4# MAC addr:0100.5e00.0006 MyMAC 5# MAC addr:0100.5e00.0005 MyMAC 6# MAC addr:0100.5e00.0002 MyMAC 7# MAC addr:0100.0ccc.cccd MyMAC 8# MAC addr:0100.0ccc.cccc MyMAC 9# MAC addr:00e0.18c2.baf9 IF Number:24 Entry:Remote 10# MAC addr:00d0.b720.755e IF Number:16 Entry:Remote 11# MAC addr:00d0.b720.7357 IF Number:15 Entry:Remote 12# MAC addr:00d0.b720.6fc9 IF Number:13 Entry:Remote 13# MAC addr:00d0.b720.750f IF Number:14 Entry:Remote 14# MAC addr:0090.27dd.f9a6 IF Number:11 Entry:Remote 15# MAC addr:0090.27d1.d47a IF Number:18 Entry:Remote 16# MAC addr:0090.27c3.f042 IF Number:8 Entry:Remote 17# MAC addr:0090.27b7.24d7 IF Number:17 Entry:Remote 18# MAC addr:00d0.b708.adb3 IF Number:12 Entry:Local 19# MAC addr:0030.6e12.099b IF Number:59 Entry:Remote […] 29# MAC addr:0002.b3ac.5474 IF Number:59 Entry:Remote 30# MAC addr:0003.9f17.980f HsrpMAC 31# MAC addr:0001.428b.d280 IF Number:4 Entry:Remote 32# MAC addr:0000.0c07.ac00 HsrpMAC Total number of MAC entries: 32

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/473/47.html
show idb privileged exec IOS
Show list of assigned software und hardware Interface Descriptor Blocks (IDBs).

Later IOS versions show the maximum number of software IDBs, too.vxr15#sh idb Maximum number of IDBs 3000 26 SW IDBs allocated (2368 bytes each) 22 HW IDBs allocated (4064 bytes each) HWIDB#1 1 FastEthernet0/0 (HW IFINDEX, Ether) …

show inband privileged exec XID/CatOS
Comment by Francois:This command outputs statistics about the internal Catalyst 6000 memory

channel (interface between two supervisors in a redundant configuration).

Can help to diagnose this kind of error: ‘InbandPingProcessFailure:Module 1

not responding over inband’.Inband FX1000 Control Information General Ctrl Regs: RegsBase: 42000000 DevCtrl: 003C0001 DevStatus: 0000000F TxCtrl: 000400FA RxCtrl: 0000821E Tx Ctrl Regs: TxDBase: 019AF000 TxDSize: 00002000 TxDHead: 383 TxDTail: 383 TxIpg: 00A00810 Rx Ctrl Regs: RxDBase: 019AA000 RxDSize: 00004000 RxDHead: 993 RxDTail: 990 Inband PCI Information DeviceID: 1000 VendorID: 8086 Status: 0200 Command: 0116 ClassCode: 020000 Revision: 03 Latency: FC CacheLine: 08 BaseAddr: 42000004 NonSwapAddr: 00000000 SwapAddr: 02000000 Inband Driver Information Transmit: FirstTxD: A19AF000( 0) LastTxD: A19B0FF0( 511) TxHead: A19B0850( 389) TxTail: A19B0850( 389) FreeTxDs: 00000512 Receive: FirstRxD: A19AA000( 0) LastRxD: A19ADFF0(1023) RxHead: A19ADDF0( 991) RxTail: A19ADDE0( 990) FreeRxDs: 00001023 System: SpurIntrs: 00000000 OutofMbufs: 00000000 TotalMbufs: 00013088 TotalMCls: 00005536 FreeMbufs: 00011532 FreeMCls: 00004043 MacAddr: 00D0017957FF Resynch: 00000000 Inband FX1000 Statistics Transmit: TxPkts: 61337989 TxBytes: 2412393989 Inband Stuck Count: 00000000 Pkts/Sec: 00000000 QueuedPkts: 00000000 LateColl: 00000000 ExcessColl: 00000000 Ovfl: 00000000 OvflRate: 00000000 JmboPktDrp: 00000000 MaxPktRcvd: 00000000 Detail Tx Pkt Info (clear on read) 64: 00000000 65-127: 50108072 128-255: 04559900 256-511: 00910493 512-1023: 00000600 1024-1522: 00988696 Bcast: 00000000 Mcast: 00000033 # pkts: 56567761 Receive: RxPkts: 43941855 RxBytes: 2483893904 Pkts/Sec: 00000000 SeqErrInt: 00000000 Ovfl: 00000000 OvflRate: 00000000 OvInt: 00000000 OvIntRate: 00000000 CrcErrs: 00000000 SymbErrs: 00000000 ISLCrcErrs: 00000000 SeqErrs: 00000000 DescOv: 00000000 DescOvRate: 00000000 LenErrs: 00314103 DefrPkts: 00000000 Detail Rx Pkt Info (clear on read) 64: 00000000 65-127: 17144848 128-255: 25105957 256-511: 00849533 512-1023: 00497913 1024-1522: 00029504 Bcast: 00000000 Mcast: 00840799 Good pkt: 43627755 Undersize: 00000000 NoBuff: 00000000 Frags: 00000000 Oversize: 00314103 Jabber: 00000000 # pkts: 43941858

Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
show interface cable <x>/0 privacy statistic privileged exec IOS
This hidden command may be used to view statistics on the number of SIDs

using baseline privacy on a particular cable interface.Here is an example output of this command.CMTS# show interface cable 4/0 privacy statistic CM key Chain Count : 12 CM Unicast key Chain Count : 12 CM Mucast key Chain Count : 3

Reference: http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/109/docsis_bpi.shtml
show interfaces [<interface-name>] stats exec IOS
Show statistics on the switching path used (per interface or all).
show interfaces [<interface-name>] switching exec IOS
Produces detailed output on the switching paths used on a particular

interface (or on all interfaces). Also shows SPD statistics.

show ip cef [<network> [<netmask>]] internal privileged exec IOS
Especially shows information about the CEF load sharing logic.router#show ip cef internal, version 10758832, per-destination sharing 0 packets, 0 bytes via, 0 dependencies, recursive next hop, GigabitEthernet4/0/0 via valid adjacency Recursive load sharing using Load distribution: 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 (refcount 48739) Hash OK Interface Address Packets 1 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 2 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 3 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 4 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 5 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 6 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 7 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 8 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 9 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 10 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 11 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 12 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 13 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 14 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0 15 Y GigabitEthernet0/0/0 0 16 Y GigabitEthernet4/0/0 0
Reference: Project DOTU
show ip eigrp events [<as-num>] [<start-num>] [<end-num>] privileged exec IOS
Show history of events for the EIGRP routing process.
show ip eigrp sia-event privileged exec IOS
Show SIA (stuck in active) events from the event history.
show ip eigrp timers [<as-num>] privileged exec IOS
List of timers associated with a EIGRP routing process.
show ip ospf bad-checksum privileged exec IOS
show ip ospf delete-list privileged exec IOS
show ip ospf events privileged exec IOS
Show history of events for the OSPF routing process.
show ip ospf maxage-list privileged exec IOS
show ip ospf statistic privileged exec IOS
Show timing statistics about the SPF algorithm.
show ip route hash exec IOS
David writes: “The only usefulness of this seems to be to identify the larger

hash buckets and hence provide feedback to Cisco if the hash algorithm is

producing a particularly bad distribution into some buckets.”Example output:router#show ip route hash nettable: Bucket Majornets Subnettted Subnets —————————————— 0 17 1 3 […] 4095 18 0 0 supernettable: 0 16 […] 4095 6 Routing table summary: Total nets: 159234 Total major nets: 67731 Total super nets: 38199

Reference: Contributed by David Luyer <david_luyer@pacific.net.au>
show ip route profile privileged exec IOS
See “ip route profile”.aspen#show ip route profile IP routing table change statistics: Frequency of changes in a 5 second sampling interval ————————————————————- Change/ Fwd-path Prefix Nexthop Pathcount Prefix interval change add change change refresh ————————————————————- 0 196 215 433 490 394 1 99 98 34 0 27 2 54 45 10 0 27 3 22 19 5 0 2 4 17 17 1 1 0 5 51 48 2 0 0 10 18 16 4 0 0 15 8 8 0 0 0 20 3 3 2 0 0 25 4 4 0 0 41 30 8 9 0 0 0 […] 3905 1 1 0 0 0 7030 1 1 0 0 0 10155 0 0 0 0 0 13280 0 0 0 0 0 Overflow 5 5 0 0 0
Reference: CSCdi76662
show ip spd config IOS
Shows SPD mode, current and max size of IP process level input queue, and

status of external (SSE) SPD. SPD mode will be one of disabled, normal,

random drop, or full drop. The priority queue is where high-precedence

packets go.labR4#show ip spd Current mode: normal. Queue min/max thresholds: 73/74, Headroom: 100, Extended Headroom: 10 IP normal queue: 0, priority queue: 0. SPD special drop mode: none

Reference: Cisco ISP Esssentials
show isdn memory detail exec IOS
Shows additional memory information.
show isdn service [<dsl> | <interface-name>] detail exec IOS
Shows additional table named “Source of Service state” and outputs

the free channel mask (also shown by show isdn status).

Reference: Josh Duffek <jduffek@cisco.com> on cisco-nas, <026e01c189a1$b8229a60$4d721eac@cisco.com>
show isdn status detail exec IOS
Shows additional status information, i.e. call reference id.
show isis private privileged exec IOS
ctalkb#sh isis private ISIS: FastPSNP cache (hits/misses): 0/4002 ISIS: LSPIX validations (full/skipped): 216271/490412 ISIS: LSP HT=0 checksum errors received: 0
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show isis timers privileged exec IOS
Useful in that it provides a brief overview of execution flow in the IS-IS

process. Shows you the frequency of things like L1/L2 hello etc.ctalkb#sh isis timers Hello Process Expiration Type | 0.856 (Parent) | 0.856 L2 Hello (Ethernet3/0) | 6.352 L1 Hello (Ethernet3/0) | 6.940 Adjacency Update Process Expiration Type | 1.060 (Parent) | 1.060 Ager | 1.352 L2 CSNP (Ethernet3/0) | 8.616 L1 CSNP (Ethernet3/0) | 3:25.860 (Parent) | 3:25.860 LSP refresh | 9:02.160 LSP lifetime | 9:24.568 LSP lifetime | 17:16.084 LSP lifetime | 20:58.536 Dynamic Hostname cleanup

Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show isis tree privileged exec IOS
Shows path and depth taken to get to other level 1/2 intermediate systems.ctalkb#sh isis tree IS-IS Level-2 AVL Tree Current node = X.X.X.00-00, depth = 0, bal = 0 Go down left Current node = X.X.Y.00-00, depth = 1, bal = 0 —> Hit node X.X.Y.00-00 Back up to X.X.X.00-00 Current node = X.X.X.00-00, depth = 0, bal = 0 —> Hit node X.X.X.00-00 Go down right Current node = X.X.X.02-00, depth = 1, bal = 0 —> Hit node X.X.X.02-00 Back up to X.X.X.00-00
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show list [none] privileged exec IOS
ctalkb#show list List Manager: 1415 lists known, 1561 lists created ID Address Size/Max Name 1 613EE970 11/- Region List 2 613EEE98 1/- Processor 3 613EFDE8 1/- I/O 4 613F0D38 1/- I/O-2 5 6149EDD0 0/- Sched Critical 6 6149ED90 0/- Sched High 7 6149EB00 0/- Sched Normal ctalkb#show list none List Manager: 1415 lists known, 1561 lists created ID Address Size/Max Name 1 613EE970 11/- Region List 2 613EEE98 1/- Processor 3 613EFDE8 1/- I/O 4 613F0D38 1/- I/O-2 9 6149ED10 82/- Sched Idle 11 61499A50 8/- Sched Normal (Old) 12 6149CC10 1/- Sched Low (Old)
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show mbuf privileged exec XID/CatOS
Catalyst 5000: The main issue to observe with this command is whether the

switch is being starved for memory. Within the display, “clusters” is the

number of buffers that are available for NMP to process incoming packets,

which include any broadcast/multicast, management traffic. “clfree” is the

number of buffers that are available for the NMP at any given time. If this

is zero then this means that NMP has no buffers to process any incoming

frames. “lowest clfree” determines the lowest watermark that NMP has hit at

any time. If this value is zero but clfree is nonzero, then this means that

at one instance NMP ran out of buffers. This can be because of a broadcast

of a multicast storm in the management VLAN.

show memory big privileged exec IOS
R1#show memory big Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b) Processor 148364 15428764 4550340 10878424 10832564 10875604 25 largest free blocks in the system (biggest to lowest) 10875604, 1424, 644, 500, 108, 36, 28, 28, 28, 24, 5897388, 52466600, 5743730, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 32, 0, 5743730, 1349000, 0, 5897456, 52556446, 52556446. Count of firstfit: 7, bestfit: 2215118, maxout1: 0 maxout2: 0 I/O 4000000 2097152 398396 1698756 1641680 1698588 25 largest free blocks in the system (biggest to lowest) 1698588, 84, 84, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5897388, 52466600, 5743730, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 32, 0, 5743730, 1349000, 0, 5897456, 52556446, 52556446. Count of firstfit: 0, bestfit: 366, maxout1: 0 maxout2: 0
Reference: Project DOTU
show mls nfde privileged exec XID/CatOS
NDE related info: NDE enable : TRUE Current Export Version : 7 IP address : UDP port: 9996 Flows in nde buffer : 0 Nde flow limit : 27 Flow sequence : 26695012 Unused flows : 3591516 Non Ip Sc : 0 Filter mismatch : 0 Packets sent : 0 Flows dropped at swover: 109788930Comment by Francois on the output above:This command allows to debug NetFlow data export on Catalyst 6000. ‘Flows in

nde buffer’ should grow until a threshold and then get flushed to the

collector (‘Packets sent’). In this particular case, the Catatyst 6000

series switch is hit by a bug which renders flow exports impossible and so

the counter keeps rising.

Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
show mls status exec Cat 6000 Native IOS
Show multilayer switching status.
Reference: New product training Catalyst 6000
show mmc np5400 [config|flows|get|indications|ports|queue|registers|stat|send] […] privileged exec IOS (Cat 2948G-L3, 4908G-L3)
show mpls interfaces internal all privileged exec IOS
Displays detailed information about all of the MPLS interfaces in the

router. If the used IOS image supports the MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting

Feature then the output shows if MPLS Egress NetFlow Accounting is enabled

on the interface.

Reference: Contributed by David Luyer <david_luyer@pacific.net.au>
show msfc privileged exec IOS (Cat 6k hybrid)
On a MSFC1:TORUMSFC1# show msfc Network IO Interrupt Throttling: throttle count=1149, timer count=1149 active=0, configured=1 netint usec=4000, netint mask usec=400 Interrupt Registers: Revision: 1, Slot 1 Control : 0x1C Enable : 0x3F Status : 0x0 RSFC CPU IDPROM: IDPROM image: (FRU is ‘MSFC Cat6k daughterboard’) IDPROM image block #0: hexadecimal contents of block: 00: AB AB 01 90 12 98 01 00 00 02 60 03 00 CF 43 69 ………….Ci 10: 73 63 6F 20 53 79 73 74 65 6D 73 00 00 00 00 00 sco Systems….. 20: 00 00 57 53 2D 46 36 4B 2D 4D 53 46 43 00 00 00 ..WS-F6K-MSFC… […]
Reference: Contributed by Gerry Murray <Gerry.Murray@computershare.com>
show msfc privileged exec CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid)
TORUSW6509 (enable) show msfc MSFC Auto port state: enabled
Reference: Contributed by Gerry Murray <Gerry.Murray@computershare.com>
show msfc nvram privileged exec IOS (Cat 6k hybrid)
Dumps the ROMMON NVRAM portion on a MSFC1.TORUMSFC1# show msfc nvram 000: AA 55 01 00 02 DF EF F5 78 77 FB BF 00 00 00 00 .U……xw…… 010: 00 00 00 00 01 02 FE FD FE ED FA CE 00 00 00 00 ……………. […]
Reference: Contributed by Gerry Murray <Gerry.Murray@computershare.com>
show parser modes privileged exec IOS
ctalkb#show parser modes Parser modes: Name Prompt Top Alias Privilege exec 0x60EFB294TRUE TRUE configure config 0x60EFABACTRUE TRUE interface config-if 0x60EF7AECTRUE TRUE subinterface config-subif 0x60EF7AECTRUE FALSE null-interface config-if 0x60EFB368TRUE TRUE line config-line 0x60EF3F84TRUE TRUE
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show parser unresolved privileged exec IOS
ctalkb#sh parser un Unresolved parse chains: 40 40 198 198 322
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
show polaris fibmgr usage privileged exec CatOS (Cat 6k hybrid)
Displays some useful about the FIB TCAM and the adjacency table when

using the PFC2.Example output:[…] Total FIB entries: 262144 Allocated FIB entries: 13894 Free FIB entries: 248250 FIB entries used for IP ucast: 13853 FIB entries used for IPX : 1 FIB entries used for IP mcast: 40 Total adjacencies: 262144 Allocated adjacencies: 1365 Free adjacencies: 260779 Adjacencies used for IP ucast (FIB) : 288 Adjacencies used for IPX (FIB) : 3 Adjacencies used for IP mcast (FIB) : 36 Adjacencies used for IP mcast (Netflow) : 0 Adjacencies used for Policy Routing : 1023 Adjacencies used for Feature Manager (Netflow): 0 Adjacencies used for Local Director : 0 Adjacencies used for Diagnostics : 5 Adjacencies used for FTEP : 10 […]

Reference: Contributed by Francois Baligant <francois.baligant@be.wanadoo.com>
show region privileged exec IOS
Displays how the memory is partitioned into different regions.From a cisco 7140:maple#show region Region Manager: Start End Size(b) Class Media Name 0x0B800000 0x0BFFFFFF 8388608 Iomem R/W iomem2 0x20000000 0x23FFFFFF 67108864 Iomem R/W iomem 0x5B800000 0x5BFFFFFF 8388608 Iomem R/W iomem2:(iomem2_cwt) 0x60000000 0x6B7FFFFF 192937984 Local R/W main 0x60008950 0x612D4D8C 19711037 IText R/O main:text 0x612D6000 0x6137A3BF 672704 IData R/W main:data 0x6137A3C0 0x6155A57F 1966528 IBss R/W main:bss 0x6155A580 0x6B7FFFFF 170547840 Local R/W main:heap 0x70000000 0x73FFFFFF 67108864 Iomem R/W iomem:(iomem_cwt) 0x80000000 0x8B7FFFFF 192937984 Local R/W main:(main_k0) 0xA0000000 0xAB7FFFFF 192937984 Local R/W main:(main_k1)
Reference: Inside Cisco IOS Software Architectures
show region address <address> privileged exec IOS
Show to which region a certain address belongs.From a cisco 7140:maple#show region address 0x6137A3BF Address 0x6137A3BF is located physically in : Name : data Class : IData Media : R/W Start : 0x612D6000 End : 0x6137A3BF Size : 0x000A43C0
Reference: Inside Cisco IOS Software Architectures
show slip exec IOS
alder#show slip Async protocol statistics: Int Local Remote Qd InPack OutPac Inerr Drops MTU 97 None 0 17593 368518 0 1071 1500 98 None 0 19774 384754 0 1995 1500 […] 113 None 0 19107 362360 0 817 1500 114 None 0 19438 428691 0 1424 1500 Rcvd: 341389 packets, 7115582 bytes 0 format errors, 139791 checksum errors, 0 overrun Sent: 6920660 packets, 640291923 bytes, 31864 dropped
show snmp chassis privileged exec IOS
Display SNMP chassis id.
show snmp community privileged exec IOS
Shows a list of communities that IOS knows about.oak#show snmp community ILMI ILMI volatile active public public volatile active
show snmp host privileged exec IOS
Show list of host receiving traps.
show snmp location privileged exec IOS
Show snmp location.
show snmp mib privileged exec IOS
Show list of implemented MIBs.
show snmp newcom privileged exec IOS
show snmp notify privileged exec IOS
router#show snmp notify snmpNotifyName : trap tag: trap type: trap nonvolatile
show sum privileged exec IOS
Show current stored image checksum.
show sum exec IOS
router>show sum New checksum of 0xEDE08607 matched original checksum
show tcam … exec Cat 6000 Native IOS
cosmos#show tcam ? and-or and-or keyword capability-map capability-map keyword detail detail keyword dynamic-entries dynamic entries keyword first first keyword [further arguments required] label label keyword [further arguments required] lou lou keyword redirects redirect indices keyword region region keyword start start keyword statistics statistics keyword type type keyword [further arguments required] vlan vlan keyword [further arguments required] window window keyword [further arguments required]Some of these keywords must or can have further arguments.
Reference: New product training Catalyst 6000
snmp-server priority {low | normal | high} config IOS
Global configuration command can be used to change the priority of SNMP

processes. To avoid extensive polling, the priority should be set to low

. All SNMP queries sent to a router are prioritized as either low or medium

priority, depending on the version of code run by the route processor. This

means that processes with a higher priority than the SNMP process will be

serviced before SNMP. So, regardless of SNMP polling intensity, routing

processes will generally be processed before SNMP requests because route

processes are high priority.

spd headroom <n> config IOS
Default value is 100. Specifies how many high-precedence packets we will

enqueue over the normal input hold queue limit. This is to reserve room for

incoming high precedence packets. Is “ip spd headroom” in 11.1CC.

Reference: Cisco ISP Esssentials, CSCdk31898
tcam priority high|low|medium config-if Cat 6000 Native IOS
If TCAM is full, interfaces with a higher priority will be prefered when

loading access-lists etc. into the TCAM.

Reference: New product training Catalyst 6000
test aaa group radius <username> <password> privileged exec IOS
Send a test authentication request.alder#test aaa group radius test test Attempting authentication test to server-group radius using radius User authentication request was rejected by server. alder#test aaa group radius mon mon Attempting authentication test to server-group radius using radius User was successfully authenticated.Sends the following RADIUS attributes:Wed Aug 1 21:00:19 2001 NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port-Type = Async User-Name = “mon” Timestamp = 996692419
test aim eeprom slot <n> privileged exec IOS
cisco#test aim eeprom slot 1 AIM Slot [1]: Use NMC93C46 ID EEPROM [y]: AIM Slot 1 eeprom (? for help)[?]: ? d – dump eeprom contents e – erase all locations (to 1) p – primitive access q – exit eeprom test z – zero eeprom ‘c’ rules of radix type-in and display apply. AIM Slot 1 eeprom (? for help)[?]: d Slot 1, 0x00: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x08: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x10: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x18: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x20: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x28: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x30: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x38: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x40: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x48: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x50: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x58: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x60: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x68: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x70: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Slot 1, 0x78: FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
Reference: Contributed by Damjan Marion <Damjan.Marion@iskon.hr>
test crash privileged exec IOS
Trigger all kinds of crashes. Test crashinfo functionality. Test RSP


test mbus power <slot> on|off privileged exec GSR IOS
Turn power of GSR linecard on or off.
test ppp echotimeout <interface-name> privileged exec IOS
Test PPP LCP echo timeout. Seems to simulate a PPP LCP echo timeout on the

router where this command is issued. After this command line protocol

changes to down, PPP parameteres are renegotiated and the line comes

up again.

test transmit privileged exec IOS
ctalkb#test transmit interface: Ethernet3/0 total frame size [100]: 1) To this interface 2) To another interface 9) Ask for everything Choice: 2 Encapsulation Type: 1) Ethertype 2) SAP 3) SNAP 4) SNAP (Cisco OUI) 5) SNAP (EtherV2 OUI) 6) Novell 802.3 Choice: 1 Protocol type: 1) IP 2) XNS 3) IPX 9) Ask for everything Choice: 1
Reference: Phrack, Volume 0xa, Issue 0x38
tracy_close <module> <port> exec XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1
Stops the tracing output started with “tracy_start”. See “tracy_start”.
Reference: From Heinz Ulm’s web site, originally from Martin Gagnon, Canada
tracy_start <module> <port> exec XID/CatOS with WS-X6608-T1 or WS-X6608-E1
Displays tracing information useful for debugging the Cisco 6608 Gateway.

The output is identical to the one produced by the Dick Tracy debugging tool

from Cisco.

Reference: From Heinz Ulm’s web site, originally from Martin Gagnon, Canada
traffic-shape fecn-create config-if IOS
This hidden command enables setting the FECN bit in

all outgoing packets that have been delayed due to traffic

shaping.Requirements: GTS must be enabled and the interface has

to be set to frame-relay encapsulation.

ttcp privileged exec Cisco 7200/7500, IOS
Start a TCP data server/receiver for TCP performance testing between two

Cisco 7500 router:Router#ttcp transmit or receive [receive]: transmit Target IP address: perform tcp half close [n]: send buflen [8192]: send nbuf [2048]: bufalign [16384]: bufoffset [0]: port [5001]: sinkmode [y]: buffering on writes [y]: show tcp information at end [n]: ttcp-t: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=5001 tcp -> %Connect failed: Destination unreachable; gateway or host down Router#ttcp transmit or receive [receive]: perform tcp half close [n]: receive buflen [8192]: bufalign [16384]: bufoffset [0]: port [5001]: sinkmode [y]: rcvwndsize [4128]: delayed ACK [y]: show tcp information at end [n]: ttcp-r: buflen=8192, align=16384/0, port=5001 rcvwndsize=4128, delayedack=yes tcpFrom the Open Forum:Question: When using the Cisco hidden command ttcp (to generate traffic),

what do the following values for this command mean:

perform tcp half close [n] send bufflen [8192]: send nbuf [2048] bufalign [16384]: bufoffset [0]: port [5001]: sinkmode [y]: show tcp information at end [n]:Answer:

Half close is regarding the tcp syn-ack; send bufflen is the size of the

packet to be sent; send nbuf is the number of packets sent; bufalign is

create a ”matrix” of sent data in either a linear or non-linear model of

testing throughput and pattern analysis; setoffset is the offset of created

data in the packet; port is the tcp/udp port the data is sent on, and

sinkmode tells the device to ignore other network traffic or not.

tx-queue-limit config-if IOS
Hidden command which seems to be an alias for the documented

tx-ring-limit command.

Reference: CSCdk17210
virtual-template <template-num> pre-clone <num> config IOS
Pre-clone specified number of Virtual-Access interfaces. Hidden in 12.1

mainline. Visible in 12.1T.Where <template-num> is the vtemplate number and <num> is

the number of sessions you wish to pre-clone. Please note that with l2tp

[by default], if you choose to pre-clone you are limited to the number of

sessions you pre-cloned. i.e. if you pre-clone 1000 sessions, you cannot

set up more then 1000 sessions for the given virtual-template.

vpdn ip udp ignore checksum config IOS
This command tells the router to ignore the checksum on UDP packets used

by L2TP/L2F and can be used to temporarily reduce CPU load.This probably is per the suggestion in RFC 2661, section 8.1: “The default

for any L2TP implementation is that UDP checksums MUST be enabled for both

control and data messages. An L2TP implementation MAY provide an option to

disable UDP checksums for data messages. It is recommended that UDP

checksums always be enabled on control packets.”And Dennis Peng from Cisco added the following note (on cisco-nas):

Verification of the UDP checksum forces

us into the process switching path which will result in increased CPU

usage. By default, Cisco LAC’s will not set the UDP checksum, so in a

Cisco to Cisco environment, you don’t need this command. But other

vendors may set the UDP checksum, so in a multi-vendor environment, it

is probably a good idea to include it. One big vendor which sets the

UDP checksum is Microsoft, their L2TP client does this.

Reference: Contributed by Ash Garg <Ash@telstra.net>
vpdn {l2f|l2tp} session table-size <size> config IOS
This command sets the number of buckets on the hash table used for looking

up multiplex IDs (session IDs in L2TP speak; both use a 16-bit namespace)

and so finding the session control data structures. Each tunnel has its own

MID lookup table. <size> can range from 16 to 2048 but cannot be greater

than the number L2F/L2TP interfaces available (which is platform dependent).

The default number of buckets is platform dependent. If <size> is not a

power of two it is rounded down to the next power of two.Some performance might be gained by increasing the hash table size and so

reducing the number of collisions at the expense of increased memory usage.

Reference: Credits: Ash Garg <Ash@telstra.net>, Dennis Peng <dpeng@cisco.com>


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