Multiple privilege levels

Cisco IOS permits to define multiple privilege levels for different accounts. This could be useful when many people work on the same router / switch, but with different roles (operator, tecnhician, network manager) and there is no time to implement an authentication server.

There are 16 different privilege levels that can be used. Level 0 is user mode. Level 15 is the privileged mode. Level 1 through 14 are available for customization and use.

The command used are:

Ciscozine(config)#privilege mode level level command
Ciscozine(config)#enable secret level level password

The privilege command is used to add authorized IOS commands to each customized levels. The enable secret command defines the secret password needed to access this particular privilege level. The options for these commands are:

  • mode: it selects an exec or configuration option that will be included with this privilege level
  • level: it defines the privilege level (number between 1 and 14)
  • command: it is a specific IOS command at the specified mode that is included in this privilege level
  • password: it is the password associated to the level

An example of privilege level configuration:

Ciscozine(config)#privilege interface level 2 ip address
Ciscozine(config)#privilege configure level 2 interface
Ciscozine(config)#privilege exec level 2 configure terminal
Ciscozine(config)#privilege exec level 2 show interfaces
Ciscozine(config)#privilege exec level 2 show running-config
Ciscozine(config)#enable secret level 2 c$sc0Z1Ne


This configuration permit:

  • Access configuration mode
  • Access the interfaces
  • Configure ONLY the IP addresses on the interfaces
    Ciscozine(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
    Interface configuration commands:
    default  Set a command to its defaults
    exit  Exit from interface configuration mode
    help  Description of the interactive help system
    ip  Interface Internet Protocol config commands
    no  Negate a command or set its defaults
    Ciscozine(config-if)#ip ?
    Interface IP configuration subcommands:
    address  Set the IP address of an interface
  • Display the interfaces
  • Displat the running configuration. Even though the level 2 user can execute the show running-config command, only the configure commands that are permitted are actually displayed. In this example the user would see only IP address information from interfaces in the running configuration.
    Ciscozine#sh running-config
    Building configuration...
    Current configuration : 141 bytes
    interface FastEthernet0/0
    no ip address
    interface FastEthernet0/1
    no ip address


To access a particular privilege level, use the command:

Ciscozine>enable level

Where level in this case is ‘2’.

Remember that is not possible to access a customized privilege level that does not have a password.


More info on…/configuration/guide/scfpass.html


  1. hello, i’m working on helpdesk level 1 & privilege 1, can you give me the supplement command on a router or switch in CLI thanks

  2. i cant get into the interfaces with these commands.plz help me out.

    these are my commands

    privilege configure level 10 interface

    privilege exec level 10 configure

    privilege exec level 10 configure terminal

    privilege exec level 10 show

    privilege exec level 10 show interfaces

    privilege exec level 10 show running-config

    privilege interface level 10 ip

    privilege interface level 10 ip address

    privilege interface level 10 ipv6

    privilege interface level 10 ipv6 address


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